
Just little scribbles I do for the blog post images. Or to relax. I dunno. Here they are.

If you want me to draw your dog, I would love to! Just contact me here.

Click on an image to view it.

If for some reason you want to use any of these images, just please be sure not to crop out my logo and/or signature. I know they’re just scribbles, but they’re my scribbles, ya know? Cool? Okay, we’re cool. <3

Cordelia’s dad
Cordelia’s mama
Clockwise from top left: Skye terrier, Keeshond, Tibetan spaniel, Japanese Chin, affenpinscher, and Bedlington terrier.
Rose, the first corgi registered with the English Kennel club. It was 1919, and she was registered as “Welsh curgi”