Musings On Socialising Your Corgi: What It Is, What It Isn’t, And The Ways We Overcomplicate It

In which I share just some thoughts I have about socialising puppies and how best to do it.

Docked Tails Tell No Tales…But The Rest of the Dog Still Can

In which I explore the claim that having a docked tail makes it harder for corgis to communicate.

Help! My Corgi Puppy Keeps Biting Me!

In which I share some tips about one of the most common issues people encounter with their corgi puppy: biting!

All About Potty-Training Your Corgi Puppy

In which I share my best corgi-potty-training secrets! I hope it’s helpful.

Breed and Behaviour Part 1: “Purebred” —What Does It Really Mean, Is It a Victorian Invention, and Does Breed Matter?

In which we take a very brief look at the history of dog breeds as a concept, and whether a dog’s breed has anything to do with personality and behaviour.

Making Car Trips Safe(r) for Our Dogs

In which I talk about steps we can take to make road trips with our dogs a little safer and give us peace of mind.

Looking for a Corgi Puppy: How Not to Get Scammed!

I which I share my super secret, never-before-heard tip to avoid being scammed…and how to spot an awesome breeder.

How Do I Puppy Pen?

In which I share how to set up a puppy pen, what should go inside of it, and how to make it a place your puppy loves!

You Really Do Need a Puppy Pen, and Here’s Why

In which I discuss why you definitely want and need a puppy pen as part of your puppy-raising plan.

Female Corgi in Season: All You Need to Know

In which I thoroughly discuss and guide you through what to expect and how to handle it when your corgi goes into season/heat/oestrus.