Musings On Socialising Your Corgi: What It Is, What It Isn’t, And The Ways We Overcomplicate It

In which I share just some thoughts I have about socialising puppies and how best to do it.

Help! My Corgi Puppy Keeps Biting Me!

In which I share some tips about one of the most common issues people encounter with their corgi puppy: biting!

All About Potty-Training Your Corgi Puppy

In which I share my best corgi-potty-training secrets! I hope it’s helpful.

Looking for a Corgi Puppy: How Not to Get Scammed!

I which I share my super secret, never-before-heard tip to avoid being scammed…and how to spot an awesome breeder.

Choosing a Corgi Breeder: Should I Look for “DM Clear”?

In which we examine together the science behind this DM testing that everyone is talking about, as sensitively and coherently as possible.

Spaying Your Corgi, Musings on Secure Attachment, and More

In which I share some updates, our experience with Delia’s spay, and some musings on secure attachment as it relates to puppy socialisation.

10 Things Better Than a Corgi Butt

In which I tackle a very delicate and controversial subject, and hopefully don’t step on anyone’s toes…but there are at least 10 things about corgis that are better than their butts.

How Do I Puppy Pen?

In which I share how to set up a puppy pen, what should go inside of it, and how to make it a place your puppy loves!