AKC Fast CAT: What to Expect (In Excruciating Depth)

In which I share my beginner’s experience in fast CAT and what you can expect in this fun dog sport!

Herding Cats and Fast Balls—Or Something Like That (General Updates)

In which I talk about some of the things Delia and I have been up to or are looking forward to. Just a little mish-mash.

Spaying Your Corgi, Musings on Secure Attachment, and More

In which I share some updates, our experience with Delia’s spay, and some musings on secure attachment as it relates to puppy socialisation.

“Meet Me Under the Dogwood Tree,” Corgi Races, and Other Updates

In which Delia left some tantalizing messages for the neighbourhood boys, but her protective mother wasn’t having it. You will also see
an adorable freshly-bathed floofer and I’ll talk about preparing for the Emerald Downs Corgi Race.